Let Us Count the Ways...
by Jasmine Minbashian, Associate Director
1. They’re emotionally intelligent

They give us feedback appropriate for those emotions, like holding up a mirror to our soul. Sometimes they know how we're feeling before we're even aware ourselves. This is what makes them the perfect teachers for us imperfect humans.
2. They get us outside
The daily requirements of caring for a horse forces us to get exercise every day and keeps us on a
healthy routine: waking up early, mucking manure, lifting hay bales, carrying saddles, and exercising our horse. All this work keeps us healthy both physically and mentally. When we spend time outside with horses we are truly in touch with all the best Mother Nature has to offer!
2. They get us outside
The daily requirements of caring for a horse forces us to get exercise every day and keeps us on a
healthy routine: waking up early, mucking manure, lifting hay bales, carrying saddles, and exercising our horse. All this work keeps us healthy both physically and mentally. When we spend time outside with horses we are truly in touch with all the best Mother Nature has to offer!
3. They are generous
Time and again we have witnessed one of our lesson horses act as a complete saint for one of our young beginner riders, but on that very same day, challenge a more experienced, older rider.
Horses are intelligent animals (see reason #1). They know when its time to be gentle and when its time to push back. When treated fairly and kindly, horses can grow to be incredible partners with us humans, accomplishing incredible feats in the world of horse sports.
Their incredible power reminds us to be humble. Just this morning, I watched our most gentle lesson horse, Ginger, sprint at a full gallop to come get her hay. It gave me a not so subtle reminder that despite her bunny rabbit demeanor, she is after all filled with incredible horse power. I stood their in awe marveling at her sheer strength and beauty. And because of their power, I have come to learn that horses will NOT do anything they absolutely do NOT want to do. So when they go trotting off in their second or even third beginner lesson of the day - it is because they are generous and kind and willing. At MVRU, we are very lucky to have a string of very generous and kind lesson horses for whom we are extremely grateful.
So do yourself a favor and go out and love a horse! If you don't have one to love, we have plenty to choose from at MVRU. If you are lucky to love one already, then make an extra commitment to provide the best care for your friend this coming year. Your horse - and your body and mind - will thank you!
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